A Letter From Our Pastors
From Pastors Byron and Rhea Mills, addressed directly to you. We're so happy you've decided to call Victory "home". We hope you are inspired by this letter from the hearts of our pastors.

Hello and welcome to the Victory Experience. We are delighted that you have joined us in worship today. And thank you for going a step further and scanning the QR code to learn more about us. You might be wondering what we're all about. So allow me to introduce you to Victory.
Here are the seven foundational areas of Victory to which we are committed:
Spiritual: Our top priority is to encourage you to accept Jesus as your Lord and the Holy Spirit as your power source. Your most crucial choice will always be to prioritize your spiritual life over everything else. If this one isn't first in our lives, the next six won't work.​
Mental/emotional: After you've started your new relationship with God, we'll help you be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1-2). A steady diet of God's Word will bring you mental and emotional peace.​
Physical: God wants you to be physically healthy. Thousands have been healed by Jesus Christ's power. We are committed to helping you receive and keep your physical health through Christ.​
Family/Relationships: We will equip you to build your marriage and family on God's Word.
Financial: God wants you to prosper financially. He wants you to have more than enough so that you can be a blessing to the Body of Christ and help those around you. Jesus took on poverty in order to abundantly bless you (2 Corinthians 8:9). We are passionate about your prosperity and defeating poverty in your life.
Ministry: God has a ministry for every believer. He may not have called you to public speaking, but He has gifted you to serve others. God has given you the grace to walk in your God-given destiny in Christ. We’d love to empower you to find and fulfill your ministry in Christ.
Cultural/Community: We are called to be salt and light in our communities. Our seventh goal is to illuminate our culture with truth and light. We value serving our community. We also will not abdicate our duty to apply God's word to the contemporary issues that our community is facing. We will be unafraid to speak the truth in love. We will assist you in applying truth to current issues so that you can provide clear Biblical answers to those around you.​
Our mission is spelled out in our name: Victory. Our goal is to assist you and your loved ones in living a victorious life through the grace of Jesus Christ. We believe that experiencing victory in your life does not have to wait until heaven. We are a Word Rich Church that values Bible teaching. We are a Spirit-Filled church, expecting the Holy Spirit to supernaturally manifest Himself through our lives. We are becoming more conscious of God's incredible grace and love. We all have flaws, but because of God's grace, He still loves and blesses us.
Finally, while we enjoy having fun and growing in grace, we take your life very seriously. We believe that fun and spirituality can coexist.
So, we invite you to be a part of a dream that began in the 1970s and continues to burn brightly today. It's a dream in which we empower our community to live the victorious life for which Christ died and rose again.
We hope you will consider making Victory your home if you do not regularly attend a local church. Please get in touch if you have any questions by submitting a Connect Card. We'd be delighted to help you connect, grow, and serve at Victory Christian Center.
Consider attending one of our Victorious Classes to learn more, and don't forget to explore the other QR codes to learn more about Victory. Our team works hard to make your connection to Victory as easy as possible.
Byron and Rhea Mills
Lead Pastors